The property is located at the Langestraat, the main shopping street of Alkmaar. International retailers like Snipes, G-Star, The Sting, JD Sports, Rituals, Only and Costesare located at the Langestraat.
Ground floor retail : approx. 242,78 sq m GFA
Entresol : approx. 67,40 sq m GFA
Total : approx 310,18 sq m GFA
Rent: EUR 137,500 excluding VAT
Rent period: 5 +5 years + 5 extension years
Date of delivery: To be agreed upon
Payment: Monthly, in advance
Rental agreement: Based on the ROZ-model 2012 including special stipulations of the Landlord
Guarantee: Bank guarantee or deposit of three months’ rent to be increased with VAT, depending on the financial solvency of tenant
Indexing: Yearly, according to CBS/CPI all households 2015=100, for the first time one
year after the commencement date
State of delivery: Empty and swepped clean but including the current fit out package.
Landlord only leases the shell state of the premises
Restrictions: Subject to approval landlord
Agency Fees: Insight Real Estate has, position for the lease of this property. In case of a succesful transaction, no fee will be charged.
The property is located at the Langestraat, the main shopping street of Alkmaar. International retailers like Snipes, G-Star, The Sting, JD Sports, Rituals, Only and Costesare located at the Langestraat.
Ground floor retail : approx. 242,78 sq m GFA
Entresol : approx. 67,40 sq m GFA
Total : approx 310,18 sq m GFA
Rent: EUR 137,500 excluding VAT
Rent period: 5 +5 years + 5 extension years
Date of delivery: To be agreed upon
Payment: Monthly, in advance
Rental agreement: Based on the ROZ-model 2012 including special stipulations of the Landlord
Guarantee: Bank guarantee or deposit of three months’ rent to be increased with VAT, depending on the financial solvency of tenant
Indexing: Yearly, according to CBS/CPI all households 2015=100, for the first time one
year after the commencement date
State of delivery: Empty and swepped clean but including the current fit out package.
Landlord only leases the shell state of the premises
Restrictions: Subject to approval landlord
Agency Fees: Insight Real Estate has, position for the lease of this property. In case of a succesful transaction, no fee will be charged.
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